Denjin Makai Kurokishi
Guardians: Denjin Makai II is a late-generation brawler from Banpresto that never left Japan. It's got it all: a whopping 8 playable and entirely unique characters, gigantic movesets with energy-based specials, team attacks, bizarre enemies, plenty of weapons, and even some shooter stages to mix up the action.
Denjin Makai 2/Guardians movelist Arcade version Version 1.6 (01/26/05) By AnotherGamer ( - 1. Disclaimer - Use for whatever you want, as long as money isn't involved and I'm credited as the maker of this FAQ. Also added a long combo for Kurokishi, added her air throw I had forgotten to mention, and listed.
Kurokishi, Zeldia, Tulks, and Belva (upgraded to P-Belva) return from the first game. Kurokishi dies her hair, Tulks has different cloths, and Zeldia emerged from her cocoon form in the first game to become the blue angel thing it is now.
At 8 playable characters, Guardians has the most fighters of any Japanese-developed brawler.
One way heroics zenura. Guardians is the epitome of late-generation arcade brawler quality. It rivals if not surpasses Capcom brawlers across the board, from its extremely deep gameplay to its phenomenal presentation to its undeniable creativity. It even has a rad third person shooter stage. Like Denjin Makai, it's too easy for its own good.